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Gila Cohen Davidovsky, DSW, LCSW

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I have over 25 years of experience, a Post-Masters in Family Therapy, and a certificate in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. I am trained in Emotionally Focused Therapy, and passionate about understanding religious identity and marital conflict in couples. I am currently conducting research on the emerging religious identity of young adults raised in intact homes in which both parents are Jewish and have different religious practices and beliefs. Many clients seek my services because they are struggling with spirituality and religious identity, both in and out of the Jewish world. I spent many years specializing in eating disorders with a special focus on needs of women in the Orthodox community. Currently in private practice in Teaneck, NJ, I see individuals, couples, and families; in addition, I provide supervision, consultation, and trainings.

Call: 201-873-5162  for more information.

Click here for CV (Coming)

Gila Cohen Davidovsky, DSW, LCSW 
725 Winthrop Road
Teaneck, NJ 07666
201 873-5162

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